The support grid, also called catalyst bed support or catalyst hold elements, is the key equipment in the oil refining industry. It acts on the filtration of gases in catalyst processes.
The refining industry support grid works under the conditions of 10-25 MPa high pressure, 400-480°C high temperature, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, etc. Made of stainless steel with high corrosion resistance and high chemical stability.
The structure of the refining industry support grid is the wedge wire screen. Its strong structure, high porosity, and precise slot size make it especially suitable for liquid filtration in reforming reactors and tanks.
Why use catalyst support grids in the oil refining industry?
1. The support grid provides a strong and reliable foundation for the various components that comprise the refinery, ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of the entire system.
2. Reduce stress on system components to improve overall refinery efficiency.
3. Help reduce downtime and maximize productivity.
4. It helps reduce the risk of system component failure due to overload.
YUBO provides wedge wire support grid custom and design services for refining industries all over the world. And our wedge wire filters are very popular.
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